Thursday, October 28, 2010
I have to be honest when I write this blog, even though the person I am writing about is going to call me stupid after he reads this. Yes, my role model is my brother, Tyler. Many people know Ty as the quarterback of the Alden Bulldogs and I think that he is much respected throughout this school, by almost everyone. Tyler is a great leader who always strides for excellence and always wants the best for his teammates. He is also a member of the varsity basketball team and he has been on the varsity baseball team since he was a freshman. Tyler is a very hard worker and that why is as successful as he is. He wears number 13 in football and so do I mainly because of him. Tyler was always number 12 until his sophomore year and then he had to switch to number 13. Ironically, when he switched to 13, that was when I started playing football for the school and I was in seventh grade. My dad also played quarterback for the Bulldogs at one point and he also was 13. So I decided that I would wear 13 because of my brother and my father. Another way that I feel I have been successful due to Tyler was the fact the he has always been a quarterback. When I started playing football, I always wanted to be like my brother and play quarterback. The problem was though when I started playing, I was a terrible athlete and I could not throw the ball. So this taught me that in order to accomplish some things in life, you have to work extremely hard. So, because I always wanted to be a quarterback, I worked so hard at it, and it took my 5 years before I even got the opportunity to start a game at quarterback. Now though, I realize how that changed my life in a positive way forever and I have to credit my brother for that.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
10/25-10/29Creative Blog
Here is my best guess of what an ordinary day for Ryan Pinkowski consists of. First I think that he would get up in the morning. I then would like to think that he takes a shower, maybe not I honestly don't pay that much attention to him because I know that he is so busy throughout a day. During the school day, I believe that Ryan is always listening to music, nothing wrong with that. I would take a guess that he had a big lunch every day, and then he comes to Online Publishing where he by far, works harder than anybody. After that, his day is over. I know for a fact that he works at Carbones pizzeria so maybe after school he cooks up a few pizzas and then he goes home for his free time. In his free time, I think that he probably plays a lot of video games. I also know that Ryan is a big socializer so he probably has x-box so he can play x-box live. I'm sure that Ryan absolutely destroys people in Call of Duty probably because he plays it so much. Ryan is also pretty good at Madden so he spends some time doing that. Then I have a feeling that he likes listening to music on his free time so he is a good mood. I know that he is friends with Nate Zobrest so maybe those two hang out during their free time. Ryan is a very popular man so I have a good feeling that he gets flooded with text messages or phone calls. People probably always talk with him on Facebook too, or maybe they don't, I don't know why somebody wouldn't want to talk to Ryan. This is what I think an average day consists of for Ryan Pinkowski.
10/25-10/29Personal Reflection
The day started off just like any other day would start off. I was in 8th grade and it was a Friday afternoon, when I was having a great day at school, and in the matter of seconds it turned into maybe one of my worst memories ever. It was in the middle of December and I was heading to lunch in the middle school cafeteria. The main lunch for the day was grilled cheese and I once had a terrible experience with grilled cheese so I decided to go have soup for a lunch. I later found out, I was about to make one of the biggest mistakes in my life. I should have eaten pizza and I have no idea why I didn't get pizza. Now i realize what an idiot I was. I was the only kid in the school dressed up because I had a basketball game in the evening. I was wearing my Syracuse polo shirt which is a very nice shirt and I was wearing Dockers, along with dress shoes. Anyway, I ended up having New England clam chowder for my lunch. For those of you that are not sure, that is the white chowder. So, my friends and I are just chilling at the lunch table, eating and having a great time until something crazy happened. The kid that was sitting next to me was eating with his mouth open. While he had food in his mouth, he laughed about something so it ended up all over the table. He then went to pick up the food that he spit, but somehow it kept moving closer to me. So I went in panic mode because it was gross and then I moved a little too quickly because I hit the clam chowder with my arm and it spilled on my lap. Keep in mind that this is white chowder. At the moment, I had two options for what I was going to do. I could either flip out or scream or I could just sit there and not say a thing and just watch everybody laugh at me. That's what I ended up doing while my pants were drenched in white soup. So that was the most embarrassing moment of my life and I wish I could forget it, but I can’t.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
10/18-10/22 #3
The scariest movie I have ever seen was the Orphan. Not many movies are scary to me, but I will admit this one was. Most scary movies I laugh through because they are just really stupid or I just find them funny. During the movie Deep Blue See, when sharks are eating people left and right, I laughed instead of being scared. The Orphan on the other hand though, I can say that I wouldn't want to watch that movie again. It was about a little girl from Russia whose parents died and then she came to America and lived with foster parents. Now the thing is that this was no ordinary girl, she was possessed by the Devil and I found out later in the story that she was like 33 years old, but she was living in a 7 year Old’s body. That was creepy and then this girl ended up killing at least 5 people before she was killed. This movie was also scary because it was always dark and this girl would always pop up out of nowhere. When people are scary when they are older, that does not bother me, but when little kids are possessed, that creeps me out. This movie was just like the Omen, which also scared me quite a bit. I would not recommend this movie to anyone; I thought this was much more than just an ordinary scary movie. I am not sure I was ever more scared after I watched the Orphan.
10/18-10/22 #2
It was just one of those days, something was not right. Nathan Bailey was just walking down the breezy, dark, Elm Street. He was heading north to the Stoldt house while listening to music on his headphones. Nathan started to look around to see if anyone was around, no one was, so he starting jamming out to some Paris Hilton music. About halfway through the song he saw a black cat just sitting in the middle of the road staring at him. So Nate decided to move on with his walk because he was quite scared. When he started walking, a bundle of bats flew right by his head and he fell to the ground. Before Nate got up, he wanted to make sure no one saw him because he didn't want to get embarrassed. When he realized no one was around he once again continued on with his journey, he was very cautious in the process. Then out of nowhere a man popped out from a tree that Nathan was approaching. This was no ordinary person; he was a big, strong, man dressed in all black. The scariest part was that the man had a mask on his face. Nathan Bailey had no idea what to do at this point and the man was quickly approaching him. So Nathan thought that if he screamed and people came to help him, that would show everybody that he is not tough and he is a little baby. So Nathan decided to go run from this man and use his speed. Nathan ran into the backyard of one person's lawn and he hid in one of the bushes on the lawn. Nate thought he had won, until he turned around and saw that man towering over him. Nathan started yelling and screaming for his life. The man finally said something. "This is going to make one great story, haha." The man was Nathan's teacher, Mr. Currin. Nathan would never be able to live with himself ever since this night.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10/18-10/22 #1
Of course Nathan Bailey is boss. I mean come on here people, how many people do you know that have numerous nicknames? Well I know one and it is Nathan Bailey. Nate has been referred to as Boss, Boss Bailey, The Boss, Nate the Great, Nate Dog, The Man, Nate Boss Bailey and I'm sure there are many more. Nate is a great young man that many people admire. Nathan is like a God in many minds, but he deserves to be thought of that way. Nathan is the record holder for touchdown receptions in a season for the Alden Bulldog football program. So do I have to say any more? I don't think so, but I will anyway. People in this school need to realize that Nathan Bailey is the man. Whenever Nate walks by you, you should give him a round of applause, that's how special he is. I think to be a boss means that you are the top guy who Nathan Bailey is; he is the best boss ever. Ok now for the real stuff people, everything that was just mentioned is what goes through Nathan Bailey's mind, NOT WHAT I THINK ABOUT HIM. Let's be honest people, every single nickname Nathan has, he made for himself. I mean like someone would really think this about Nathan Bailey? Wait, someone would, and that person would be Nathan Bailey. I honestly thought I knew what it meant to be boss, but when Nate is called Boss I don't know anymore because he is the complete opposite of my definition of boss. Nathan is just a young man so I won't harass him too much, but this whole boss thing needs some investigating.
Friday, October 15, 2010
10/11-10/15 Best Song or Band Ever!
The best band ever in my opinion is ACDC with Coldplay being a close second. ACDC is well known for their hard rock, loud music. ACDC no longer performs today I believe, but I do know for a fact that their music is still very popular. Your best chance at finding ACDC music would be at a sporting event in most cases. ACDC music really gets many athletes very pumped up for their game or completion. I know it gets me pumped anyway. My three favorite ACDC songs are probably Thunderstruck, Hells Bells, and You Shook Me All Night Long. I don't really know why these are my three favorite songs, just for some reason I really like these songs. I try to listen to these songs before all of my football games because they always get my adrenalin pumping. Thunderstruck is actually one of our warm up songs on my football team. I know that all the players on the team like that song and so do I. It is the first song we come out to and I don't think there is a better song to listen to before a game than Thunderstruck. Thunderstruck is a five minute song that has a very long introduction and then it gets into a lot of yelling and a loud atmosphere. I have never been fortunate enough to see an ACDC performance live which is a shame in my mind. If I could go back in time and do something, I would definitely consider going to ACDC concert. I think that ACDC is the best band ever.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
10/11-10/15 Best Class Ever!
The best class ever is definitely Online Publishing with Mr. Currin, end of discussion. If you take this class and you don't think it is the best class ever you have to be absolutely crazy. I mean, come on, everything is planned out for you, you know up front when everything is due and you have enough time to do it. If you don't get work done in this class it is because you are lazy and you don't care about school. I think that too often now a days, there are too many classes that we are in where we are learning information that it is so ridiculous, we don't need to know it. But, yet kids that are actually smart and hardworking are failing tests and classes because they don't know how to solve the equation a2+c3 *11-7b+2c=4f -6e. I mean holy cow, when will you every need that in life, but yet we have to figure that out and if we don't we get a poor grade because of it. Now I am not saying that once you learn your basic math, you should never take it again, but it doesn't have to be as complex as it is in my mind. That's why this class I think is the best class ever because it's kind of a taste of what a real job is like. You are developing your writing skills in this class and learning by working. You never get too much or too little amount of work and you will run into days where you are really busy and then there will be days where you are not extremely busy. I wish that all classes were like this one, but they are not and I have to live with it. Online Publishing is definitely the best class ever!
10/11-10/15Best Meal Ever!
The best meal ever in my mind is probably Thanksgiving dinner. For me it is the same foods every year and I really look forward to Thanksgiving because of it. This is what my Thanksgiving dinner consists of. The main dish is turkey and then there is cranberry sauce, cream cucumbers, corn, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. I think this is a great meal because there is so much food and a ton of different varieties. After I eat those foods and everything gets cleaned up, I move onto dessert which may be the best part about the dinner. Every year we have pie, but even better ice cream with hot fudge. That always makes this dinner complete because it is so good. I also like every single food that is served at our Thanksgiving dinner so it works our pretty good for me. This dinner is also served only once a year which is different from an ordinary meal. Thanksgiving Day also has some special qualities because whenever I think of Thanksgiving, I think of football. Every Thanksgiving there is always two NFL games on during the day and then one at night, there are also many college games that are on at night too. Also, you get a chance to spend time with family for a meal as well. So in my mind, it doesn’t get any better than having those three things all at the same time. Eating a great dinner, watching football, and spending time with family are guaranteed to make a fantastic meal. Those are the reasons why I think that Thanksgiving dinner is the best meal ever.
Friday, October 8, 2010
10/4-10/8 #1
Another movie that is one of my favorites is the Replacements. This movie deals with a professional football team that was in the middle or the season, but they felt that they were not making enough money so they went into a lock out. None of the players on the team would be playing in the upcoming games, but they could rejoin the team at any point. So this meant that there would be replacement players until the lockout ended. The replacement players involved many former college players, one of which was an Ohio State quarterback Shane Falco. Falco joined the team during the lockout and his job was to win 3 of the 4 final games. In his first game his team lost. That meant in order to make the playoffs they had to win their final 3 games. During this period the professional players would start fights and problems with the replacements to make it interesting. The replacements ended up going into the final game with the opportunity to make the playoffs. There was a slight problem though because the professional quarterback ended his lockout to join the team so Falco was done. The game was off to a terrible start though and the pro quarterback played really bad so at halftime, Shane Falco came in to locker room and suited up to finish the game. He ended up leading the team to a win and a trip to the playoffs. This movie is also a favorite because it is a comedy too. This a great movie for laughs and football.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Another one of my favorite movies of all time is Remember the Titans which is also another football movie. I like this movie because it deals with people who are completely opposite and they have to come together and accomplish winning football games. This movie takes place during the 70’s and segregation and racism are still an issue. The setting of this story is in a school in Virginia where there was an all-white football team. Due to law changes in our country at the time, Blacks were now allowed to go to this school. When they arrived they also brought a black coach with them who became the head coach of the team. At first only black players were on the football team and then the white kids decided to join and they brought their former coaching staff with them. So the team was very divided at first and then they started to come together. By the first game the team was very close and they kept winning. Then the playoffs started and they were still winning and ended up winning their semifinal game to make it to the Championship. After that game though, the star player got in a car accident and people were very down and they knew he would be missed for the Championship. The Titans ended up winning the championship without their stud and they made it a great story. I love this movie and it’s definitely a top football movie of all time.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10/4-10/8 #3
One of my favorite movies of all time is Rudy. I like this movie because the theme deals with what I am all about. This movie deals a lot with hard work and football which are two things that I love. Rudy is about a young man who lived in Indiana and played high school football. He was an undersized kid, but he was still a starter on his high school team. He was not very athletic either, but he worked so hard that he created more opportunities for himself to succeed. This young man’s name was Dan Rudiker and his nickname was Rudy. He was not a great student, he usually averaged low 80’s for his grades and there was no way he would be accepted to Notre Dame which was where he wanted to go. Rudy had one friend that always told him he could make it in to Notre Dame just because he would work so hard to get there. Well one day Rudy’s friend died due to a fire at work so that inspired Rudy to finally go to Notre Dame. When he got there they sent him to Holy Cross which was a prep school for kids to go to get their grades up. If Rudy got his grades up to a certain point Notre Dame would accept him and then he would try to walk on the to the football team and accomplish his dream. It took Rudy a year and he still wasn’t accepted and then he had his last chance to get in to Notre Dame. It was his sophomore year and he had found out he got accepted. When he got accepted, he wasted no time and he went to the try outs and because of how hard he worked he made the team. Then, on the final home game of his senior year, Rudy got the opportunity to suit up and be on the sidelines for a game. Notre Dame was beating Georgia Tech pretty good though so all of the players on the team wanted Rudy to go in. One player started chanting “Rudy” and then the whole stadium started chanting his name. He finally got put in the game for a kickoff and one play on defense. He rose to the occasion as he earned a sack and he was the last player to this day to get carried off the field at Notre Dame. I think that this is a great movie and I just love how someone that worked so hard benefited from it.
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