Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/11-10/15 Best Class Ever!

The best class ever is definitely Online Publishing with Mr. Currin, end of discussion. If you take this class and you don't think it is the best class ever you have to be absolutely crazy. I mean, come on, everything is planned out for you, you know up front when everything is due and you have enough time to do it. If you don't get work done in this class it is because you are lazy and you don't care about school. I think that too often now a days, there are too many classes that we are in where we are learning information that it is so ridiculous, we don't need to know it. But, yet kids that are actually smart and hardworking are failing tests and classes because they don't know how to solve the equation a2+c3 *11-7b+2c=4f -6e. I mean holy cow, when will you every need that in life, but yet we have to figure that out and if we don't we get a poor grade because of it. Now I am not saying that once you learn your basic math, you should never take it again, but it doesn't have to be as complex as it is in my mind. That's why this class I think is the best class ever because it's kind of a taste of what a real job is like. You are developing your writing skills in this class and learning by working. You never get too much or too little amount of work and you will run into days where you are really busy and then there will be days where you are not extremely busy. I wish that all classes were like this one, but they are not and I have to live with it. Online Publishing is definitely the best class ever!

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