Wednesday, December 22, 2010
12/20-12/24 #3
I am going to vent about an incident that has occurred over the past three weeks or so and this is really bothering me because I think the clear statement has been made, but I am being punished for quite a long time. A lot of teachers in this school are those kinds of teachers that don't care where you go during advisement and in my opinion is wrong even though those are probably the kids’ favorite teachers. I am very fortunate to have Mr. Currin for an advisement because he is one of those teachers that always does what is right and he wants to keep people out of trouble. I will say though that I believe there is one thing that I feel people should be allowed to do in this school and not get in trouble for it. I truly think that if a student wants a bagel during advisement lunch, he should be able to go to the cafeteria and get it. As matter of fact, many high school boys are growing and it's important that they eat a lot. So, if a student goes to a cafeteria during advisement is he necessarily causing trouble in any way, shape or form. Let's think, he isn't committing a crime, he isn't harming or bothering anyone, he isn't wondering, he isn't lying, he isn't stealing, and he isn't fighting. So does he really deserve to be punished for a month for this? I don't think so. This is what I did; I went to advisement lunch every day even though I only had lunch days three and six. So Coach Currin finally found out that I was doing this and he started saying I lied. I didn't lie, but people say what I did is wrong. I don't think this is wrong because kids need to be able to eat food. Do I deserve to be punished this harshly?
12/20-12/24 #2
I am going to tell you a true story about a young man who has been experiencing some rough times in his life lately. First, there was one normal day where this young man went to school. It was snowing very heavily outside so the administration at his school decided to cancel after school activities which was unfortunate for this man. He is also a basketball player and he goes to the weight room a lot so if after school activities were not canceled he would not have went home after school, but he had to go home because everything was canceled. When he got home his mother and brother were also home. He told his mother that he was going to go straight outside and shovel the drive way. He put on all of his snow gear, started listening to his I-pod, and he went to work on his driveway by himself. The garbage pickup was the following day so the brother was told by the mother to take out the garbage. The older brother thought it would be a great idea to pick on the younger brother so he started throwing snow balls from areas where the little brother could not see him. Now he thought that his little brother had no idea he was getting snow balls thrown at him because the older brother kept missing him when he threw them. In reality, the younger brother did know he had snow balls being thrown at him. Finally, the younger brother got hit right in the face and he had enough, but who wouldn't get mad. There are so many risks with getting hit in the face with a snowball like ice being in the snowball and cutting your face, that could have happened, but it didn't. So in response to getting hit in the face this is what the younger brother did. He took his shovel and threw it at the older brother, he missed and the shovel it the porch. When it hit the porch it broke on immediate contact and he was done shoveling for the day. The "Funny Guy", just kidding, the older brother ended up having to finish the driveway and that's how the story ends. What is your take on this event?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
12/20-12/24 #1
Once upon a time there were two brothers that lived in the same house and lived in a great family. One brother, the younger one, was an innocent young man who always got blamed for everything by his older brother. The older brother was that kid that everyone thought was a really good kid and a great leader, but really there was only one person who knew what he was really like. The older brother was nothing, but an evil, nasty person to his younger brother who always treated him well. Then he was always worshiped by people in the outside world, but little do people know that this event I am about to tell you really happened. One humid July day the two brothers decided they were going to go to an amusement park. For once the older brother was treating the younger brother with respect which was nice to see and they made their parents proud by behaving. The younger brother was being treated so well that he really started to change his opinion about his older brother. At the amusement park, it was so busy so the brothers decided to play put- put. The younger brother's favorite golf ball was a Nike brand just like the older brother. The two boys played miniature golf and decided to call it a day. When they got home, the older brother told the parents that he was going out with friends for the night. They had no problem with that what so ever. While they were talking, the younger brother went upstairs to play x- box and when he went into the bed room and saw something amazing on the dresser. It was his favorite brand of golf balls; yes it was a Nike golf ball. So he decided to pick up the ball and next thing he knew he turned around and bam! He got punched in the face for just touching the ball! His brother punched him. There was blood everywhere! So the little brother got up and was ready to fight his older brother and the older brother had the scariest look on his face and he said "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! Don't tell Mom or Dad!" Wow! My question is how someone can be such a coward. He punches a young innocent kid and then hopes no one tells his parents. This is a true story about people in this class and this is a story that everyone should no about.
Friday, December 17, 2010
12/13-12/17 #3
I read the poem, Anything is Possible by Melissa Underwood and it makes me think of many things in life. This poem is talking about how anything in life is possible no matter how hard it may seem to achieve the goal. In life you can't always listen to what other people have to say because if you have a goal in life there are always going to be people who say you can't do it or you will fail no matter how hard you try. When you are trying to accomplish something, you just always have to look for the most amounts of help and try to achieve your goal. That is one message that is trying to be stated in this poem. This poem is also saying how when you are trying to achieve something you can never ever give up because if you are extremely determined you just have to work as hard as you possibly can and you will accomplish your goal. Even if you fail, you just have to keep trying and you will succeed. This kind of reminds me Rudy when Rudy keeps getting turned down by Notre Dame to be a student, but he keeps trying and then he finally gets in to Notre Dame and achieves his goal of being a Notre Dame football player. The final message that I get out of this poem is that you will never be a failure until you quit. So in life you can never quit no matter how much you want to because whenever you quit something it starts to become a habit which is not a good thing. This poem really makes me think about my football team and how hard we work and any goal we had we would work for. We always wanted to be the best and we worked so hard to be best. I think this is a very inspirational poem and many people should read it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
12/13-12/17 #2
Beauty is something that many people in this country lack. First and for most, we have Nathan Bailey who does not represent beauty. Beauty is something that is hard to find. It consists of an entire package. You have to be attractive and have a look to yourself that forces people to keep their eyes on you. You also have to be well dressed and you have to be an extremely nice and glowing person. To have beauty you also need to be a fun, outgoing, funny, person. So going back to how Nate Bailey does not represent beauty, let's think for a second, he thinks he is a boss. Whatever that means, I don't get what is so special about that. Then Nathan thinks people are always watching him so in his useless opinion he thinks he is beautiful. Then Nate always wines about everything and it just bothers me so much, I can't stand it. So if you are wondering what beauty is, Nathan Bailey is the complete opposite. The second thing that does not represent beauty is Mr. Currin's beard. Whatever the problem is I do not know, just there is a problem that needs to be solved because his beard is bothering a lot of people. Now if you want an example of beauty, I think there is only one person in this school that represents beauty and it is the one and only Ryan Pinkowski. Every day people walk the hallways of Alden Central High School and they just fall to the floor when Ryan walks by them. Their jaws drop so much because of how much they wish they were Ryan. I know for a fact that people have fantasies of being Ryan Pinkowski, especially Nate Bailey. Beauty is only found in Ryan Pinkowski. I think that beauty is a great thing and it would be really cool if more people had beauty, but what are you going to do.
Monday, December 13, 2010
12/13-12/17 #1
Ever since I started this class, I truly believe that my writing skills get better and better. When I am writing every day my skills are being sharpened up and improved. Writing is just like reading, the only way you will get better at it is by doing it all the time. I am actually one of those rare kids that likes to write, but I like to write about sports the most. One day I will definitely consider a career in journalism and writing, but my first career choice will be coaching. Another career that I am also considering is broadcasting which also involves writing, analyzing statistics, and you have to be a good communicator. Earlier I said that my favorite thing to write about is sports, but I understand that you may not be able to write about sports all the time if I have a job in journalism. I think that writing is a very important aspect of life, a lot goes into it and you have to be a good thinker. When you become a good writer, I also think that it will make you a better communicator and possibly a better person in life. I know that there are also a lot of people that write because they want to say what is on their mind somehow, or it helps them think, or it even helps them talk to people through paper. I think that writing is a hobby for many people and for a lot of people it is also like work because they don't like doing it or they are not good at it. I am a person that likes writing because I think that I am good at it and I really enjoy doing it. Personally, the things that I probably least like to write about are the music’s, arts, and when I have to review books or stories because I am not very good at writing about those things. In this class, I usually write about sports and then I will always have my three blogs to write about which I enjoy doing. I think this is a very fun class and I think that it has really made me a better writer.
Friday, December 10, 2010
12/6-12-10 #3
It was just one of those days, nothing was right; it was a very odd day so I decided to go in my backyard. I figured to make things somewhat normal, I decided to start hitting whiffle balls. During the middle of my hitting session, I heard a big boom. So I finally decided something was definitely wrong and I was determined to figure out what the problem was. So I picked up a baseball bat for protection and I started to walk around the neighborhood to find out this nonsense. I went in the direction to which I heard the noise and I was led to my neighbor's backyard. I smelled something fishy going on and I started looking around. I found something, but you don't want to know what I saw and it wasn't the loud boom. So I moved on to the next backyard and I looked around again and then I realized I must have been hearing things. Then I decided to go back home so I just turned around and I paused. My neighbor's garden gnome was just standing there, but it wasn't there before. When I saw it I said something I shouldn't have because I was a little puzzled though, I did say something bad. The gnome starting sprinting at me and he was chasing me around the neighborhood and I don't know why. The little creature was closing in on me and it jumped on my leg. I didn't know what to do so I hit it with the baseball bat and I took care of the problem. The gnome was still alive, but in bad shape so I asked it why it was just chasing me frantically. It told me that he was mistaken and thought I was Nathan Bailey and he knows Nate is looking for some friends so he wanted to help Nate with his problems. Then I felt very bad and I apologized to the gnome and we both moved on with our lives.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
12/6-12-10 #2
Growing up I played many great childhood games that I loved, but the best one that I played was definitely whiffle ball. Now I know that I always get picked on for my love of whiffle ball, but it is a game that is very similar to baseball, which is a sport that I play. There are only a few differences between whiffle ball and baseball. The biggest difference is that you can throw the ball at people to get them out. In my opinion, that is one of the best parts about the game. Now people do pick on me for the fact that I do hit whiffle balls in my backyard, but quite honestly I do not care what other people think in this case. This is one of my hobbies and it keeps me occupied and I never complain about being bored like someone else that lives in my house. Also, I think this makes me a better baseball player because I am constantly swinging a bat every day and hitting a ball so it makes me better at hitting the ball. Besides hitting whiffle balls in my backyard, I also will sometimes play one on one whiffle ball with my brother in the backyard and most of the time I win, just kidding it is usually close games that go both ways. We also play each other in a home run derby at times and that is very interesting. I usually win those because I have much more experience hitting whiffle balls. I will even get in on the neighborhood whiffle ball games and I absolutely dominate when I get involved in those. Whiffle ball was my favorite childhood game.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
12/6-12-10 #1

Friday, December 3, 2010
USC vs Notre Dame
Why would anybody want to do a personal reflection on this game? I mean come on we are talking about a football game that means absolutely nothing. You have a team that cheats and they are not very good playing a team that is terrible. Who cares? Oh, by the way, neither of these teams will be playing in a bowl game. This game is so useless they shouldn't have even played it. I would have rather watched a little league football game instead of watching Notre Dame vs. USC. I can't believe that people actually paid attention to this football game. Let's try and find better things to talk about than a useless football game that no one cares about.
3 what is art?
To be honest I don't know what art is, I mean I am not that into art so I can't give the exact definition for art. I know that art consists of drawing, painting, coloring, sketching, and lots of creativeness. I also know that there are a couple of jobs that are involved with art which are an artist, architect, art teacher, and a painter. I know of a famous artist/ painter in the name of Pablo Picasso. He achieved many great things in his life in my useless opinion. I do not know of any architects. I also do not know any more artists of painters even though I probably should. I know I learned a lot about artists and painters in previous art classes throughout my life, but I never paid attention nor did I care about the artists or painters so this is the result for my actions. I know a few art teachers because I have taken art classes like I said earlier. They seem to like their job so art must have some perks just I do not think it is for me. My artistic ability would probably destroy the word art and I would kind of feel bad about that, not really, but still I am terrible at art. I also really do not find art interesting probably because I am not good at it. I do know though that Nathan Bailey loves art and he hopes to one day become an artist. He told me that on his free time he draws pictures in crayon and gives them to his mother to hang on the fridge. He also said that is what it takes to be a boss. I find that very interesting. I think that art is something that many people find interesting, but I really don't.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
11/29-12/3 #1
When I look at this picture only one thing comes to my mind and it is playing under the lights on Friday night which I will be doing for the first time next year. In this picture I see a packed house under the lights in an alive college atmosphere. This reminds me of the great football season Alden football had this year and how loud of fans we have. This also reminds me when we played at Ralph Wilson Stadium and at All High Stadium because of how electric the atmosphere was. Those two places that I just mentioned are also stadiums too just like Colorado's stadium in this picture. I think that this would be an amazing game to play in because of how many people are at the game and it looks like an amazing stadium at the least so I would love to have the opportunity to play in this game. It also looks like this game is being played in warm weather which is awesome because I love playing football in warm weather opposed to cold weather. In our state of New York the only con about playing football is that you have to play the game in awful, cold, miserable weather sometimes which I do not like, but it is still worth it. This picture is also cool because the stadium is color coded in sections and I think the really yellow section is the student section. Student sections in any sporting event are always the craziest and loudest part of a crowd especially here at Alden. Nobody has a student section like the one we have though simply because we are the best. This looks like a great atmosphere and I wish I was a part of this picture. This reminds me so much of our football season and that is why I like this picture a lot.
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