My favorite television show growing up was Batman. It was my favorite show in the time period from when I was four to when I was about 8. I liked Batman to an insane amount where I would constantly dress up like him and I would always be Batman for Halloween. I always remember that on every week night Batman would be on at six p.m. for a half hour episode. This was the cartoon Batman that I would watch during the week, but my favorite Batman was the real movies. Those were always my favorite movies and I still watch Batman movies occasionally when they are on today, but they are no longer my favorite. There was a Batman movie that came out about two years ago that was called the Dark Night. That movie was always on television this summer and it kept me on my couch because I watched it all time. That movie may have been my favorite movie on the summer. My favorite criminal in Batman was Dr. Freeze, but my least favorite was the Joker. After watching the Dark Night, I noticed how weird the Joker is and all I can say is he is a weird dude. The character that I would least like to fight would also be Dr. Freeze. He was a mean, jacked dude that you I wouldn't want to mess with if I was Batman. The thing is though when you are Batman, you have to be ready to fight whenever and Batman always wins so I'm sure I would be alright if I had to go up against Dr. Freeze. After all though, I would definitely have to say Batman was my favorite childhood show.
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