When most kids are young, they usually have a childhood goal of going to some college that is very big. Then in a lot of cases, when they get older, they tend to end up going to a smaller college. Now I said this applies to a lot of people, but not all. Brianna Harris is one of those people that is going to live her one of her childhood goals. Brianna always had a goal to go to a big school, and she is achieving her goal. In the upcoming fall, she will go through a minor change in the school atmosphere. She will be going from Alden High School to Texas Christian University which is known as TCU. I would say that there is a little difference between Alden and TCU not too big though. Brianna is a very hard worker and she will do great things at TCU. She also told me that she looked at colleges in California and others in Texas including Baylor. I think this says a lot about what kind of student Brianna is. She will be majoring in Journalism next fall. She also informed me that her favorite memory of high school was when she got accepted to TCU. She was so happy to find out she could go there. Her application was sent out in October and she found out the news in early March. That time built up a lot of anticipation for her. After the college talk, I asked her an even bigger question. I asked what her favorite color was and she told me it was purple. So now you know her favorite color. Her favorite show is American Idol and didn’t elaborate why, but I didn’t ask her to explain. When Brianna isn’t in school she likes doing things like dancing and writing, not at the same time though. Well now everyone knows a little more about Brianna Harris.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
N4: A Tragic Story
I have to say that this case involving Trayvon Martin is just downright horrible. So far every single thing about this is negative and I feel that it is just turning into a worse matter. I don’t understand how George Zimmerman could at all justify that Martin was considered dangerous. According to the evidence, he was unarmed, he was not involved with any drugs, and he wasn’t doing anything horrible because he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Like the lawyer said, if he were up to no good, he wouldn’t be on the phone with his girlfriend. I feel very bad for the Martin family, and I couldn’t imagine what they are going through right now. I know this has to be incredibly difficult for them especially considering the fact they are having a hard time getting answers. Although this case is very sketchy, I do disagree with the fact the people are playing racism into this case. The reason this doesn’t make sense to me is because Zimmerman is considered a minority himself. So maybe he is a racist, but it just doesn’t make the most sense to me. I know that there is still stereotyping and prejudice acts that still go on in this world, and I think that it is absolutely ridiculous with some of the things we here. Although we have all been guilty of being prejudice at some point in our life, it is something that needs to come to an end. The statement “Never judge a book by its cover is very true, and I think more people should start to follow it. Going back to the Martin case, I don’t think Martin was of any danger to anyone and I think Zimmerman killed him for a reason that I can’t come to think of. It just doesn’t make sense to me. I hope in the upcoming weeks, more information comes out on this story and the truth comes out.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Coach N3
Currently I am an unemployed U.S. citizen. My reason is simply because I am currently holding out for a management position. I really am not working anywhere at the moment though. I don’t have intentions of getting a job because I have the mindset that I have my whole life to work. For those of you who are close to me, you would know that I already have my career planned out. I have said this for years now, and I have a plan in place for how I am going to get my dream job. When I graduate from high school, I am going to go to college and play football somewhere. At the moment I am not concerned where I am going or what level I will get the opportunity to play at. Actually, right now I would be happy if I played at the Division 3 level. One school that I am going to look into hard will be Baldwin Wallace in Ohio which is a division 3 school. After I go to school, I want to become a college football coach and build my way up as high as I possibly can. The reason I want to go to Baldwin Wallace is because there is a little bit of a connection between Alden and Baldwin Wallace, specifically the coaches. I know for a fact that the head coach at Baldwin Wallace knows some of the head coaches of top programs in Ohio. I feel that this would be a good place for me to start my coaching career. Even if I end up choosing not to go to this school, I will take the same path into coaching. When I am done playing college football I will become a graduate assistant. This position is an assistant coach that does little work for other coaches such as paper work and running camps and so on. This is an unpaid position, but the college pays for your boarding and grad classes. When I am a graduate assistant, it will be crucial to work as hard as I possibly can to build my way up to higher position on a coaching staff. Once a higher position comes up, I try to earn it and just keep trying to work my way up higher through the ranks. Hopefully one day I will be satisfied with where I am as a coach.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
M2 Don't Do it!
My opinion on texting and driving is very simple and to the point. If you text and drive you are a Moran! I absolutely hate how people just feel the need to be able to text whenever they want to when they are behind a wheel. Well I got news for those people, you are stupid. I can’t tell you how much it bothers me that people are willing to risk the lives of themselves or others just so they can send the message “Lol.” I get so worked up when people text and drive because it is just so incredibly stupid. I have once been in a vehicle with someone who texts and drives quite a bit. I can’t tell you how many times I have asked this person to please just stop. Not only has this person texted and driven, but he has also been on Facebook while driving! Yes this is incredibly insane and ridiculous because this human being has their eyes off the road because they are on Facebook. I so just want to punch this person in the face sometimes. Then this person is risking his life and my life in the process and to be honest, I do want to live for a couple more years. This person is basically telling me that it’s ok if I’m in danger. This bothers me so much because people die over texting and driving and it hurts to watch those families suffer. When people are willing to text and drive or use Facebook while driving, they are sending the message that their text is more important than your life. Those people that are willing to do that need help. I am very against texting and driving. It should become a bigger penalty if you are caught doing it because it needs to come to an end. I hate texting and driving.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
M3. Forget this please!
It was a nice, sunny day in Alden, New York. I would have to say that it was about 25 degrees Fahrenheit outside, but there was a nice sunshine. I was in the eighth grade in Alden Middle School. I was a member of the J.V. basketball team, and we had a game in Lackawanna later that night. Due to the fact we had a game, I had to be dressed up because it is classy. Then the event that took place during the day is something that I remember very vividly. Unfortunately I was the most infamous person in Alden Middle School on this day. It was the beginning of seventh period and I was just on my way to lunch like every other day at this point. I went to the back of the cafeteria to make a soup and salad. My salad was just a little one I put together quick, and then I got a bowl of New England clam chowder. When I sat down at the table, everything was going great. I had a nice little conversation with Mr. Partell who was the teacher doing lunch duty at the time. After I talked to him, all of my friends were just sitting at the table laughing at something. Garrett Rutan was sitting right next to me and he laughed so hard at something, the food that was in his mouth flew on to the table! Then he attempted to clean up the food by picking it up with a napkin, but the food kept moving closer and closer to me by accident. I was incredibly grossed out, so I quickly tried to move away from his food and by accident I spilled my white clam chowder right on to my lap. At that moment my whole table started laughing along with the cafeteria. Then Mr. Partell saw everybody being loud and obnoxious over by me, but he didn’t know why. He walked over by us and said “What’s going on?” And before he even got a response, he saw my lap, and he just started laughing hysterically. He now realized why everyone was laughing and my face was as red as blood. This was a horrible moment that I can’t forget.
Monday, March 5, 2012
M4 Brian's Bashing, LOL! JK BRO
Really!? Yes I know that friends will be friends and kids will be kids, but an action that was done this past weekend was completely uncalled for. Over the weekend, my friends and I were just chilling at one of my friend’s houses. We were all just casually sitting around upstairs having a great time just having a great conversation. Then I get a text from one of my great friends that was sitting in the other room. The text advised me to talk to this person in another area of the house. This person and I get along great, so I just figured we just had something to talk about for a second, but I wouldn’t think it was bad. So before I went to the area of conversation I had a cup of water quick and then I was just talking with Mike Steffan. No big deal or anything, we were just talking about everything. After our conversation I walked downstairs, and I was just chilling with some other people waiting for my friend to come talk to me. Then the person was a little late, but I figured to give this person some time. Well it ended up being a couple minutes so I just figured something was up, but it wasn’t a big deal. I was watching T.V. with my friends so I wasn’t really thinking about it. I finally decided to text the person and just ask them if they were coming downstairs. Well the person did end up coming down stairs and then I was asked “Why did you text me?” I said “You wanted to talk to me?” At that moment the person said I never texted you anything, and that was when I realized I had a very horrible prank played on me. My friends took this someone's phone and decided to text me off of the phone. This created a very akward moment, for me and I was not happy.Two of my friends thought this was very funny, and I didn’t. I never thought I would have to right a bashing about one of these people in particular. For that I will not mention his name. The other two that were in on this though, do deserve to be bashed. They are Mike Steffan, Phil Zobrest, and the unnamed. Hey look at that, Mike Steffan found his way into another Brian’s Bashing. Should I be surprised? Get over yourselves gentleman, I am disappointed. Get real, get real!

Thursday, March 1, 2012
I would definitely have to say that there are many things in this world that make me angry. But, recently there was one incident that makes me extremely angry. Here I am just enjoying my Thursday afternoon, and then I get a paper shoved in my face to be edited. Not only am I angry, I am stunned because I look up and there is Amber Breyer throwing this paper at me! I mean if it was Austin Hopcia or somebody I would understand, but it was Amber Breyer! I could not believe what just unfolded right in front of me on to my desk. For those of you who do not know this, the article was due on Tuesday. So I figured Amber gave it to Mr. Currin in advance or something because she is an editor so I wouldn’t expect anything less of her. But there Amber is handing me a paper with 15 minutes left to go in class. Wait, I just made a mistake by saying Amber handed me the paper. She threw it has hard as she can in my face and said “You better edit it this, or else we will have problems. I am sick of your nonsense Brian and you have been nothing but the biggest jerk to me.” I was like “Amber take a chill pill, alright, you are the one that is incredibly wrong here.” She told me to take a hike. Now I was incredibly mad and I could not believe that the one and only Amber Breyer did this to me. I was very disappointed by this event, and I will say this is what makes me mad. Don’t give me your paper late and give me tude. I don’t like that at all! Remember if you dog one of us, you dog all of us. This makes me mad!
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