Really!? Yes I know that friends will be friends and kids will be kids, but an action that was done this past weekend was completely uncalled for. Over the weekend, my friends and I were just chilling at one of my friend’s houses. We were all just casually sitting around upstairs having a great time just having a great conversation. Then I get a text from one of my great friends that was sitting in the other room. The text advised me to talk to this person in another area of the house. This person and I get along great, so I just figured we just had something to talk about for a second, but I wouldn’t think it was bad. So before I went to the area of conversation I had a cup of water quick and then I was just talking with Mike Steffan. No big deal or anything, we were just talking about everything. After our conversation I walked downstairs, and I was just chilling with some other people waiting for my friend to come talk to me. Then the person was a little late, but I figured to give this person some time. Well it ended up being a couple minutes so I just figured something was up, but it wasn’t a big deal. I was watching T.V. with my friends so I wasn’t really thinking about it. I finally decided to text the person and just ask them if they were coming downstairs. Well the person did end up coming down stairs and then I was asked “Why did you text me?” I said “You wanted to talk to me?” At that moment the person said I never texted you anything, and that was when I realized I had a very horrible prank played on me. My friends took this someone's phone and decided to text me off of the phone. This created a very akward moment, for me and I was not happy.Two of my friends thought this was very funny, and I didn’t. I never thought I would have to right a bashing about one of these people in particular. For that I will not mention his name. The other two that were in on this though, do deserve to be bashed. They are Mike Steffan, Phil Zobrest, and the unnamed. Hey look at that, Mike Steffan found his way into another Brian’s Bashing. Should I be surprised? Get over yourselves gentleman, I am disappointed. Get real, get real!

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