Wednesday, December 22, 2010
12/20-12/24 #3
I am going to vent about an incident that has occurred over the past three weeks or so and this is really bothering me because I think the clear statement has been made, but I am being punished for quite a long time. A lot of teachers in this school are those kinds of teachers that don't care where you go during advisement and in my opinion is wrong even though those are probably the kids’ favorite teachers. I am very fortunate to have Mr. Currin for an advisement because he is one of those teachers that always does what is right and he wants to keep people out of trouble. I will say though that I believe there is one thing that I feel people should be allowed to do in this school and not get in trouble for it. I truly think that if a student wants a bagel during advisement lunch, he should be able to go to the cafeteria and get it. As matter of fact, many high school boys are growing and it's important that they eat a lot. So, if a student goes to a cafeteria during advisement is he necessarily causing trouble in any way, shape or form. Let's think, he isn't committing a crime, he isn't harming or bothering anyone, he isn't wondering, he isn't lying, he isn't stealing, and he isn't fighting. So does he really deserve to be punished for a month for this? I don't think so. This is what I did; I went to advisement lunch every day even though I only had lunch days three and six. So Coach Currin finally found out that I was doing this and he started saying I lied. I didn't lie, but people say what I did is wrong. I don't think this is wrong because kids need to be able to eat food. Do I deserve to be punished this harshly?
12/20-12/24 #2
I am going to tell you a true story about a young man who has been experiencing some rough times in his life lately. First, there was one normal day where this young man went to school. It was snowing very heavily outside so the administration at his school decided to cancel after school activities which was unfortunate for this man. He is also a basketball player and he goes to the weight room a lot so if after school activities were not canceled he would not have went home after school, but he had to go home because everything was canceled. When he got home his mother and brother were also home. He told his mother that he was going to go straight outside and shovel the drive way. He put on all of his snow gear, started listening to his I-pod, and he went to work on his driveway by himself. The garbage pickup was the following day so the brother was told by the mother to take out the garbage. The older brother thought it would be a great idea to pick on the younger brother so he started throwing snow balls from areas where the little brother could not see him. Now he thought that his little brother had no idea he was getting snow balls thrown at him because the older brother kept missing him when he threw them. In reality, the younger brother did know he had snow balls being thrown at him. Finally, the younger brother got hit right in the face and he had enough, but who wouldn't get mad. There are so many risks with getting hit in the face with a snowball like ice being in the snowball and cutting your face, that could have happened, but it didn't. So in response to getting hit in the face this is what the younger brother did. He took his shovel and threw it at the older brother, he missed and the shovel it the porch. When it hit the porch it broke on immediate contact and he was done shoveling for the day. The "Funny Guy", just kidding, the older brother ended up having to finish the driveway and that's how the story ends. What is your take on this event?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
12/20-12/24 #1
Once upon a time there were two brothers that lived in the same house and lived in a great family. One brother, the younger one, was an innocent young man who always got blamed for everything by his older brother. The older brother was that kid that everyone thought was a really good kid and a great leader, but really there was only one person who knew what he was really like. The older brother was nothing, but an evil, nasty person to his younger brother who always treated him well. Then he was always worshiped by people in the outside world, but little do people know that this event I am about to tell you really happened. One humid July day the two brothers decided they were going to go to an amusement park. For once the older brother was treating the younger brother with respect which was nice to see and they made their parents proud by behaving. The younger brother was being treated so well that he really started to change his opinion about his older brother. At the amusement park, it was so busy so the brothers decided to play put- put. The younger brother's favorite golf ball was a Nike brand just like the older brother. The two boys played miniature golf and decided to call it a day. When they got home, the older brother told the parents that he was going out with friends for the night. They had no problem with that what so ever. While they were talking, the younger brother went upstairs to play x- box and when he went into the bed room and saw something amazing on the dresser. It was his favorite brand of golf balls; yes it was a Nike golf ball. So he decided to pick up the ball and next thing he knew he turned around and bam! He got punched in the face for just touching the ball! His brother punched him. There was blood everywhere! So the little brother got up and was ready to fight his older brother and the older brother had the scariest look on his face and he said "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! Don't tell Mom or Dad!" Wow! My question is how someone can be such a coward. He punches a young innocent kid and then hopes no one tells his parents. This is a true story about people in this class and this is a story that everyone should no about.
Friday, December 17, 2010
12/13-12/17 #3
I read the poem, Anything is Possible by Melissa Underwood and it makes me think of many things in life. This poem is talking about how anything in life is possible no matter how hard it may seem to achieve the goal. In life you can't always listen to what other people have to say because if you have a goal in life there are always going to be people who say you can't do it or you will fail no matter how hard you try. When you are trying to accomplish something, you just always have to look for the most amounts of help and try to achieve your goal. That is one message that is trying to be stated in this poem. This poem is also saying how when you are trying to achieve something you can never ever give up because if you are extremely determined you just have to work as hard as you possibly can and you will accomplish your goal. Even if you fail, you just have to keep trying and you will succeed. This kind of reminds me Rudy when Rudy keeps getting turned down by Notre Dame to be a student, but he keeps trying and then he finally gets in to Notre Dame and achieves his goal of being a Notre Dame football player. The final message that I get out of this poem is that you will never be a failure until you quit. So in life you can never quit no matter how much you want to because whenever you quit something it starts to become a habit which is not a good thing. This poem really makes me think about my football team and how hard we work and any goal we had we would work for. We always wanted to be the best and we worked so hard to be best. I think this is a very inspirational poem and many people should read it.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
12/13-12/17 #2
Beauty is something that many people in this country lack. First and for most, we have Nathan Bailey who does not represent beauty. Beauty is something that is hard to find. It consists of an entire package. You have to be attractive and have a look to yourself that forces people to keep their eyes on you. You also have to be well dressed and you have to be an extremely nice and glowing person. To have beauty you also need to be a fun, outgoing, funny, person. So going back to how Nate Bailey does not represent beauty, let's think for a second, he thinks he is a boss. Whatever that means, I don't get what is so special about that. Then Nathan thinks people are always watching him so in his useless opinion he thinks he is beautiful. Then Nate always wines about everything and it just bothers me so much, I can't stand it. So if you are wondering what beauty is, Nathan Bailey is the complete opposite. The second thing that does not represent beauty is Mr. Currin's beard. Whatever the problem is I do not know, just there is a problem that needs to be solved because his beard is bothering a lot of people. Now if you want an example of beauty, I think there is only one person in this school that represents beauty and it is the one and only Ryan Pinkowski. Every day people walk the hallways of Alden Central High School and they just fall to the floor when Ryan walks by them. Their jaws drop so much because of how much they wish they were Ryan. I know for a fact that people have fantasies of being Ryan Pinkowski, especially Nate Bailey. Beauty is only found in Ryan Pinkowski. I think that beauty is a great thing and it would be really cool if more people had beauty, but what are you going to do.
Monday, December 13, 2010
12/13-12/17 #1
Ever since I started this class, I truly believe that my writing skills get better and better. When I am writing every day my skills are being sharpened up and improved. Writing is just like reading, the only way you will get better at it is by doing it all the time. I am actually one of those rare kids that likes to write, but I like to write about sports the most. One day I will definitely consider a career in journalism and writing, but my first career choice will be coaching. Another career that I am also considering is broadcasting which also involves writing, analyzing statistics, and you have to be a good communicator. Earlier I said that my favorite thing to write about is sports, but I understand that you may not be able to write about sports all the time if I have a job in journalism. I think that writing is a very important aspect of life, a lot goes into it and you have to be a good thinker. When you become a good writer, I also think that it will make you a better communicator and possibly a better person in life. I know that there are also a lot of people that write because they want to say what is on their mind somehow, or it helps them think, or it even helps them talk to people through paper. I think that writing is a hobby for many people and for a lot of people it is also like work because they don't like doing it or they are not good at it. I am a person that likes writing because I think that I am good at it and I really enjoy doing it. Personally, the things that I probably least like to write about are the music’s, arts, and when I have to review books or stories because I am not very good at writing about those things. In this class, I usually write about sports and then I will always have my three blogs to write about which I enjoy doing. I think this is a very fun class and I think that it has really made me a better writer.
Friday, December 10, 2010
12/6-12-10 #3
It was just one of those days, nothing was right; it was a very odd day so I decided to go in my backyard. I figured to make things somewhat normal, I decided to start hitting whiffle balls. During the middle of my hitting session, I heard a big boom. So I finally decided something was definitely wrong and I was determined to figure out what the problem was. So I picked up a baseball bat for protection and I started to walk around the neighborhood to find out this nonsense. I went in the direction to which I heard the noise and I was led to my neighbor's backyard. I smelled something fishy going on and I started looking around. I found something, but you don't want to know what I saw and it wasn't the loud boom. So I moved on to the next backyard and I looked around again and then I realized I must have been hearing things. Then I decided to go back home so I just turned around and I paused. My neighbor's garden gnome was just standing there, but it wasn't there before. When I saw it I said something I shouldn't have because I was a little puzzled though, I did say something bad. The gnome starting sprinting at me and he was chasing me around the neighborhood and I don't know why. The little creature was closing in on me and it jumped on my leg. I didn't know what to do so I hit it with the baseball bat and I took care of the problem. The gnome was still alive, but in bad shape so I asked it why it was just chasing me frantically. It told me that he was mistaken and thought I was Nathan Bailey and he knows Nate is looking for some friends so he wanted to help Nate with his problems. Then I felt very bad and I apologized to the gnome and we both moved on with our lives.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
12/6-12-10 #2
Growing up I played many great childhood games that I loved, but the best one that I played was definitely whiffle ball. Now I know that I always get picked on for my love of whiffle ball, but it is a game that is very similar to baseball, which is a sport that I play. There are only a few differences between whiffle ball and baseball. The biggest difference is that you can throw the ball at people to get them out. In my opinion, that is one of the best parts about the game. Now people do pick on me for the fact that I do hit whiffle balls in my backyard, but quite honestly I do not care what other people think in this case. This is one of my hobbies and it keeps me occupied and I never complain about being bored like someone else that lives in my house. Also, I think this makes me a better baseball player because I am constantly swinging a bat every day and hitting a ball so it makes me better at hitting the ball. Besides hitting whiffle balls in my backyard, I also will sometimes play one on one whiffle ball with my brother in the backyard and most of the time I win, just kidding it is usually close games that go both ways. We also play each other in a home run derby at times and that is very interesting. I usually win those because I have much more experience hitting whiffle balls. I will even get in on the neighborhood whiffle ball games and I absolutely dominate when I get involved in those. Whiffle ball was my favorite childhood game.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
12/6-12-10 #1

Friday, December 3, 2010
USC vs Notre Dame
Why would anybody want to do a personal reflection on this game? I mean come on we are talking about a football game that means absolutely nothing. You have a team that cheats and they are not very good playing a team that is terrible. Who cares? Oh, by the way, neither of these teams will be playing in a bowl game. This game is so useless they shouldn't have even played it. I would have rather watched a little league football game instead of watching Notre Dame vs. USC. I can't believe that people actually paid attention to this football game. Let's try and find better things to talk about than a useless football game that no one cares about.
3 what is art?
To be honest I don't know what art is, I mean I am not that into art so I can't give the exact definition for art. I know that art consists of drawing, painting, coloring, sketching, and lots of creativeness. I also know that there are a couple of jobs that are involved with art which are an artist, architect, art teacher, and a painter. I know of a famous artist/ painter in the name of Pablo Picasso. He achieved many great things in his life in my useless opinion. I do not know of any architects. I also do not know any more artists of painters even though I probably should. I know I learned a lot about artists and painters in previous art classes throughout my life, but I never paid attention nor did I care about the artists or painters so this is the result for my actions. I know a few art teachers because I have taken art classes like I said earlier. They seem to like their job so art must have some perks just I do not think it is for me. My artistic ability would probably destroy the word art and I would kind of feel bad about that, not really, but still I am terrible at art. I also really do not find art interesting probably because I am not good at it. I do know though that Nathan Bailey loves art and he hopes to one day become an artist. He told me that on his free time he draws pictures in crayon and gives them to his mother to hang on the fridge. He also said that is what it takes to be a boss. I find that very interesting. I think that art is something that many people find interesting, but I really don't.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
11/29-12/3 #1
When I look at this picture only one thing comes to my mind and it is playing under the lights on Friday night which I will be doing for the first time next year. In this picture I see a packed house under the lights in an alive college atmosphere. This reminds me of the great football season Alden football had this year and how loud of fans we have. This also reminds me when we played at Ralph Wilson Stadium and at All High Stadium because of how electric the atmosphere was. Those two places that I just mentioned are also stadiums too just like Colorado's stadium in this picture. I think that this would be an amazing game to play in because of how many people are at the game and it looks like an amazing stadium at the least so I would love to have the opportunity to play in this game. It also looks like this game is being played in warm weather which is awesome because I love playing football in warm weather opposed to cold weather. In our state of New York the only con about playing football is that you have to play the game in awful, cold, miserable weather sometimes which I do not like, but it is still worth it. This picture is also cool because the stadium is color coded in sections and I think the really yellow section is the student section. Student sections in any sporting event are always the craziest and loudest part of a crowd especially here at Alden. Nobody has a student section like the one we have though simply because we are the best. This looks like a great atmosphere and I wish I was a part of this picture. This reminds me so much of our football season and that is why I like this picture a lot.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
11/29-12/3 2.)
Many people look around and wish they were Nate Bailey because he is the boss, but this is what the boss will look like 20 years from now. I look at this picture and see a very determined man that looks very suspicious and scrubby, just like Nate Bailey now. 20 years from now Nate will finally be able to grow facial hair, but because he is irresponsible he lost his razor. Are you surprised? I'm not. Many people will have their opinion on what this man is planning to do, but I think that he is planning on doing something really low, as we all know Nathan Bailey would do something like that. I have a feeling that Nate is going to like steal an old lady’s purse, or highjack an elderly man's moped, or take a young kid's ice cream cone and shove it in the kid's face, Nate is planning to do something of this sort. This is a man that once thought he was bound for Cortland, New York, but he took a detour route and ended up on the corner of Momma's Boy Avenue and Live in a Box Drive. Ever since Nathan found his destination he has always been determined to find his mother again someday. He is still trying to come up with a plan to find his mother and it's been tough for him because he is ineligible to receive his license due to driving his car through garage doors. So Nate has to collect money to catch a train to go back to his homeland. This will also be hard for him though because he lives in a box with no mailbox so his unemployment checks get lost. I hope that one day Nate can turn his life around because right now it is kind of rough.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
11/22-11/26 - Nate Zobrest
Top ten things about Nate Zobrest
10. The worst thing about him is that he is Phil Zobrest's brother.
9. He plays football for the Alden Bulldogs.
8. He changes his permanent hair color for a Halloween costume.
7. He has a deep voice that scares away little kids.
6. He has eaten a Foss lineman dinner
5. He has a dry sense of humor.
4. He still thinks USC will be playing in a bowl game this year
3. He wears Matt Barkley underwear.
2. He owns a Matt Barkley cape and wears it every night and he is still waiting to be called to come to rescue someone.
1. He sits next to Ryan Pinkowski.
10. The worst thing about him is that he is Phil Zobrest's brother.
9. He plays football for the Alden Bulldogs.
8. He changes his permanent hair color for a Halloween costume.
7. He has a deep voice that scares away little kids.
6. He has eaten a Foss lineman dinner
5. He has a dry sense of humor.
4. He still thinks USC will be playing in a bowl game this year
3. He wears Matt Barkley underwear.
2. He owns a Matt Barkley cape and wears it every night and he is still waiting to be called to come to rescue someone.
1. He sits next to Ryan Pinkowski.
11/22-11/26 - Fear builds walls."
In my opinion, I truly believe that fear does build walls. When you have a fear of something you are afraid to do it or try to attempt something. Like, for example we will say that you are Nate Bailey and you are afraid of your dark basement in your house because you act like such a little child all the time. Well now Nate never goes in his basement because he is a little baby. So now he never goes in his basement and he always makes some 5 year old go in the basement for him. My point is though that he never goes in his basement because he is scared so it almost like there is a wall blocking Nate from his basement and it is his fear just like this quote says. This quote can be related to many scenarios like sports, fears that little kids may experience, fears of animals or other people, or fears of natural disasters. I know some people on the football field fit into this quote in this way. There are some people that are afraid of end of the game situations and they don't want to be under pressure or they get nervous when the game is on the line. Well let's say you have to score a touchdown at the end of the game and you are not nervous. Your chances of being successful are better because you are calm, but when you are nervous it's like you are building a wall for yourself to get over. So I think this quote makes a lot of sense.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
11/15-11/19What is your favorite holiday? Why?
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, but I have wrote about Thanksgiving twice this year so I am going to write about my second favorite holiday which is Christmas. I find Christmas to be one of the most fun times of the year just because it is just an amazing atmosphere. I always love seeing the snow on the ground everywhere during December because it just gets everybody in the Christmas mode. Usually up to Christmas, I am always shopping or getting ready for my break from school. I always have basketball going on during this time which always makes it fun because I like basketball a lot and I find that to be a very fun sport. Also, during the Christmas period, I am constantly outside playing football or basketball in the cold, or I am chucking snow balls at Ty, or I am shoveling the drive way by myself because Tyler never has time to do that. That actually leads me to my next point, my brother always looks like he has so much time on his hands and then every time he is busy it just so happens that the driveway needs to be shoveled and he cannot do it. That seems very interesting to me. Also Christmas is a great time because you get the opportunity to spend so much time with your family which is something that I always look forward to. I also enjoy using my new gifts that I get for Christmas; that is a pretty good time. I would have to say the best part about Christmas is that you get to spend time with your family. Right now I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, but after that I will start to get in that Christmas mode which I love. Christmas is one of the best times of the year and I can’t wait for this year’s Christmas.
11/15-11/19 2.) What is winning? What does winning mean to you? What does it mean to be a winner?
To me, winning is not just when a team is winning on the scoreboard at the end of a sport contest. Winning is when a person or a team has given a 100 percent effort to do whatever they possible could to win a game. That is winning. Sometimes there are occasions where a team will defeat another team, but they don't earn the win. That is not a true win no matter how you look at it. Winning means the world to me. I play sports because I love winning and I always want to win because I am very competitive. This football season, our team went undefeated and I now know what it feels like to win because we earned to have an amazing season. We worked out every day this summer and we dedicated our summer to football and it paid off. After that, I truly knew what it felt like to be a winner. When you do no win, it is a terrible feeling, one of the worst feelings in the world. I have only lost one football game as a starter and I have never got over it. I hate losing and I always have a tough time handling losing no matter what the scenario is or no matter what my role is on a team I hate to lose. I always do whatever it takes to win, no matter how hard I have to prepare or no matter how hard I have to work I will always do whatever it takes to win. If there is one good thing that comes out of losing though, I think would be this. Whenever you lose at something that you love doing, it motivates you to do better and work harder. Ever since I lost my first J.V. football game, I always played with a chip on my shoulder because I always remember how much that loss hurt. Ever since that game I have never lost a football game and I think it is because I learned from that loss. Winning means so much to me and there are not many more things that I love more than winning.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
11/15-11/19 I am thankful for...
The thing in life that I am definitely most thankful for is my family. My two parents and my brother mean so much to me and they play such big roles in my life, and I care about them more than anything. My parents and my brother Tyler have both taught me so many lessons in life and I couldn't ask for a better family. Both of my parents have always taught me great things about life and I feel the reason I am successful in life is because of my parents. Whenever I need something, they are always there for me and I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people on this planet because they are my parents. Also, they are both very hardworking, so they make a good amount of money to allow me to experience opportunities in life that the average kid doesn't get to experience. My parents are both teachers, with my Mom teaching here at Alden, and my Dad is a physical education teacher at Akron. I couldn't ask for better parents and I am so thankful to have them in my life. Now my brother on the other hand, I am also very thankful to have him in my life even though he probably is not thankful that I am in his life. Tyler is maybe the hardest working person I have ever meant in my life and one of the smartest people I have ever seen. There is not one person in this world that I feel more comfortable talking to than Ty. He is always very understanding about everything and he is always there to give me tips. Tyler is also a great athlete, I have always looked up to him my whole life, and I have always wanted to be like him. He is one of the most respected people in the school and he deserves every ounce of it. I also could not ask for a better brother. I am most thankful for my family.
Friday, November 12, 2010
11/8-11/12 #1
In my useless opinion, I think that Thanksgiving is the best holiday without question. I mean the two things I like the most in life are put together in one day. First, I absolutely love football to death and on Thanksgiving there is tons of football. On every Thanksgiving there are three NFL football games. First the Detroit Lions play in the middle of the day, but they are not good ever so they usually lose and no one cares about that game. After the Detroit game, the Dallas Cowboys play a game, but I hate the Dallas Cowboys and this is awesome because this year they are terrible and they will lose too. So this Thanksgiving might be my best Thanksgiving. Then there is another NFL game later in the night, but the teams that play in that game change every year. Also on Thanksgiving, I get to eat the best meal of the year. I love this dinner and I look forward to it all year. My family and I always go down to my Grandparent's home where I get to eat this amazing dinner. There is turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, stuffing, cran berry sauce, cream cucumbers, corn, broccoli casserole, bean casserole, and lots of dessert. I can't wait for this meal this year; it will be amazing at the least. After Thanksgiving, I usually play a pick up football game that Friday and we call it the Turkey Bowl, but hopefully this year I'm playing in the Carrier Dome on Sunday for a State Championship instead of playing a pick up football game.
11/8-11/12 2.)
If I could have lunch with three people in this world, they would probably be Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, and Aaron Rodgers. First, Brett Favre would be cool to have lunch with because he would be able to tell me about all his experiences throughout his long, incredible career. He has won a Super Bowl too, so that would be a cool subject to chat about. Favre has also played for four NFL franchises so he could explain to me all the differences between the teams. He is also my biggest role model; I admire the way he plays the game of football so it would be a thrilling experience to talk with him. It would be cool to have lunch with Peyton Manning because he is arguably the best quarterback in the NFL so it would be interesting to see what he would have to say. Manning has also won a Super Bowl and a couple MVP awards, just like Favre. Manning is probably the most knowledgeable quarterback in the NFL so I would love to hear what his knowledge of football is like. Finally, it would be cool to have lunch with Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, because he is in my opinion the best young quarterback in the NFL. He is such a great passer; I think that it is incredible. I also like Rodgers because I was watching NFL Match up the other day and I realized that he does something similar to what we do hear at Alden. The best part about going out to eat with these men would be that they are all rich so I wouldn't have to pay for a thing.
11/8-11/12 quotes
Vince Lombardi- "If you can accept losing, you can't win."
Vince Lombardi- "The strength of the group is the strength of the leaders."
I also think that his is a great quote because whenever you look at successful sports team, there is always one thing that is in common. All great teams have great leaders. People always overlook leadership, but that might be the most important aspect for a character in life. People always say how athletic or how strong these good athletes are, but they reason they are successful is because they work hard. They work hard because they are a leader or they had a leader that influenced them. This is a great quote and it has a huge meaning.
Vince Lombardi- "Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit."
When people quit something for the first time, they usually have the attitude that it's just a one-time thing, but this quote is saying that you start to keep quitting things. It's not good to quit in life in most cases so if you get in that habit you are hurting yourself in the long run.
I like this quote because I agree with this statement 100 percent. What Vince Lombardi is saying is that if you ever want to be a true winner or a champion in other words you can't be satisfied with losing ever. To be a true winner you can never settle for losing. A true winner has the passion to win every time they step onto a playing field. A winner always has to drive to get better no matter how good they are at something. I think this is a great quote that many people should pay attention to.
Vince Lombardi- "The strength of the group is the strength of the leaders."
I also think that his is a great quote because whenever you look at successful sports team, there is always one thing that is in common. All great teams have great leaders. People always overlook leadership, but that might be the most important aspect for a character in life. People always say how athletic or how strong these good athletes are, but they reason they are successful is because they work hard. They work hard because they are a leader or they had a leader that influenced them. This is a great quote and it has a huge meaning.
Vince Lombardi- "Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit."
When people quit something for the first time, they usually have the attitude that it's just a one-time thing, but this quote is saying that you start to keep quitting things. It's not good to quit in life in most cases so if you get in that habit you are hurting yourself in the long run.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Respect is a little word that has a huge meaning. The word respect means that you are a kind person that put others in front of yourself, and you always are polite to people. An antonym of respect is Nathan Bailey. When you are respectful you don't lie to people. The other day, Nathan Bailey decided to write a comment on his own article saying it was me. Then he decided to lie about it to Mr. Currin which was un-called for. Nathan also always picks on me which is not polite at all. I'm a freshman who takes flak from only one person in this school and it is Nathan Bailey. I mean I am afraid to come to school every day because of that big, scary Nathan Bailey. Also, I run the scout team offense for the varsity football team against Nate, who is a starter on the defense. All I hear all day from Nate is how slow I am and he is going to tackle me so hard. First of all I hope Nathan Bailey tries to tackle me because it wouldn't hurt and I am not sure he can. Just watch last season's game film and you will agree with me. Nathan has some explaining to do after people see that. Then, going back to this scout team harassment, Bailey tells me that I am slow yet yesterday I had a few nice runs and Nathan Bailey did not tackle me. How come? Is he afraid of me? It would not surprise me. I think that respect is one of the most important qualities a person must have. If you are respectful in life, you will go a long way.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
My dream job is either to be an NFL coach one day or an NFL quarterback. These are dream jobs for me because I absolutely love football to death and it would be incredible if my job dealt with football. Obviously to get one of these jobs, it will be a lot of hard work which i would be willing to do. To be an NFL quarterback, you have to be smart, precise, composed, athletic, and you must have leadership that is out of this world. You also must have a work ethic that is very strong. An NFL quarterback in most cases is the highest paid player on a football team, but that's not the reason i want this to be my job. I just think that it would be amazing to play football for a living. Then to be a coach, it is very similar to being a quarterback. You have to be smart, composed, strong leadership skills, and it would be a good idea to play football at some point in your life. Also a coach must be willing to work long days even in the off season because you have to be able to study film, and strategize for opponents. A coach has to be willing to work with other people as well and be able to deal with stress. Being a coach in the NFL consists of lots of pressure and stress so if you can't handle criticism, neither of these jobs are good then. I think the pros of this job out way the cons by far though and that's why these are dream jobs for me.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I have to be honest when I write this blog, even though the person I am writing about is going to call me stupid after he reads this. Yes, my role model is my brother, Tyler. Many people know Ty as the quarterback of the Alden Bulldogs and I think that he is much respected throughout this school, by almost everyone. Tyler is a great leader who always strides for excellence and always wants the best for his teammates. He is also a member of the varsity basketball team and he has been on the varsity baseball team since he was a freshman. Tyler is a very hard worker and that why is as successful as he is. He wears number 13 in football and so do I mainly because of him. Tyler was always number 12 until his sophomore year and then he had to switch to number 13. Ironically, when he switched to 13, that was when I started playing football for the school and I was in seventh grade. My dad also played quarterback for the Bulldogs at one point and he also was 13. So I decided that I would wear 13 because of my brother and my father. Another way that I feel I have been successful due to Tyler was the fact the he has always been a quarterback. When I started playing football, I always wanted to be like my brother and play quarterback. The problem was though when I started playing, I was a terrible athlete and I could not throw the ball. So this taught me that in order to accomplish some things in life, you have to work extremely hard. So, because I always wanted to be a quarterback, I worked so hard at it, and it took my 5 years before I even got the opportunity to start a game at quarterback. Now though, I realize how that changed my life in a positive way forever and I have to credit my brother for that.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
10/25-10/29Creative Blog
Here is my best guess of what an ordinary day for Ryan Pinkowski consists of. First I think that he would get up in the morning. I then would like to think that he takes a shower, maybe not I honestly don't pay that much attention to him because I know that he is so busy throughout a day. During the school day, I believe that Ryan is always listening to music, nothing wrong with that. I would take a guess that he had a big lunch every day, and then he comes to Online Publishing where he by far, works harder than anybody. After that, his day is over. I know for a fact that he works at Carbones pizzeria so maybe after school he cooks up a few pizzas and then he goes home for his free time. In his free time, I think that he probably plays a lot of video games. I also know that Ryan is a big socializer so he probably has x-box so he can play x-box live. I'm sure that Ryan absolutely destroys people in Call of Duty probably because he plays it so much. Ryan is also pretty good at Madden so he spends some time doing that. Then I have a feeling that he likes listening to music on his free time so he is a good mood. I know that he is friends with Nate Zobrest so maybe those two hang out during their free time. Ryan is a very popular man so I have a good feeling that he gets flooded with text messages or phone calls. People probably always talk with him on Facebook too, or maybe they don't, I don't know why somebody wouldn't want to talk to Ryan. This is what I think an average day consists of for Ryan Pinkowski.
10/25-10/29Personal Reflection
The day started off just like any other day would start off. I was in 8th grade and it was a Friday afternoon, when I was having a great day at school, and in the matter of seconds it turned into maybe one of my worst memories ever. It was in the middle of December and I was heading to lunch in the middle school cafeteria. The main lunch for the day was grilled cheese and I once had a terrible experience with grilled cheese so I decided to go have soup for a lunch. I later found out, I was about to make one of the biggest mistakes in my life. I should have eaten pizza and I have no idea why I didn't get pizza. Now i realize what an idiot I was. I was the only kid in the school dressed up because I had a basketball game in the evening. I was wearing my Syracuse polo shirt which is a very nice shirt and I was wearing Dockers, along with dress shoes. Anyway, I ended up having New England clam chowder for my lunch. For those of you that are not sure, that is the white chowder. So, my friends and I are just chilling at the lunch table, eating and having a great time until something crazy happened. The kid that was sitting next to me was eating with his mouth open. While he had food in his mouth, he laughed about something so it ended up all over the table. He then went to pick up the food that he spit, but somehow it kept moving closer to me. So I went in panic mode because it was gross and then I moved a little too quickly because I hit the clam chowder with my arm and it spilled on my lap. Keep in mind that this is white chowder. At the moment, I had two options for what I was going to do. I could either flip out or scream or I could just sit there and not say a thing and just watch everybody laugh at me. That's what I ended up doing while my pants were drenched in white soup. So that was the most embarrassing moment of my life and I wish I could forget it, but I can’t.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
10/18-10/22 #3
The scariest movie I have ever seen was the Orphan. Not many movies are scary to me, but I will admit this one was. Most scary movies I laugh through because they are just really stupid or I just find them funny. During the movie Deep Blue See, when sharks are eating people left and right, I laughed instead of being scared. The Orphan on the other hand though, I can say that I wouldn't want to watch that movie again. It was about a little girl from Russia whose parents died and then she came to America and lived with foster parents. Now the thing is that this was no ordinary girl, she was possessed by the Devil and I found out later in the story that she was like 33 years old, but she was living in a 7 year Old’s body. That was creepy and then this girl ended up killing at least 5 people before she was killed. This movie was also scary because it was always dark and this girl would always pop up out of nowhere. When people are scary when they are older, that does not bother me, but when little kids are possessed, that creeps me out. This movie was just like the Omen, which also scared me quite a bit. I would not recommend this movie to anyone; I thought this was much more than just an ordinary scary movie. I am not sure I was ever more scared after I watched the Orphan.
10/18-10/22 #2
It was just one of those days, something was not right. Nathan Bailey was just walking down the breezy, dark, Elm Street. He was heading north to the Stoldt house while listening to music on his headphones. Nathan started to look around to see if anyone was around, no one was, so he starting jamming out to some Paris Hilton music. About halfway through the song he saw a black cat just sitting in the middle of the road staring at him. So Nate decided to move on with his walk because he was quite scared. When he started walking, a bundle of bats flew right by his head and he fell to the ground. Before Nate got up, he wanted to make sure no one saw him because he didn't want to get embarrassed. When he realized no one was around he once again continued on with his journey, he was very cautious in the process. Then out of nowhere a man popped out from a tree that Nathan was approaching. This was no ordinary person; he was a big, strong, man dressed in all black. The scariest part was that the man had a mask on his face. Nathan Bailey had no idea what to do at this point and the man was quickly approaching him. So Nathan thought that if he screamed and people came to help him, that would show everybody that he is not tough and he is a little baby. So Nathan decided to go run from this man and use his speed. Nathan ran into the backyard of one person's lawn and he hid in one of the bushes on the lawn. Nate thought he had won, until he turned around and saw that man towering over him. Nathan started yelling and screaming for his life. The man finally said something. "This is going to make one great story, haha." The man was Nathan's teacher, Mr. Currin. Nathan would never be able to live with himself ever since this night.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10/18-10/22 #1
Of course Nathan Bailey is boss. I mean come on here people, how many people do you know that have numerous nicknames? Well I know one and it is Nathan Bailey. Nate has been referred to as Boss, Boss Bailey, The Boss, Nate the Great, Nate Dog, The Man, Nate Boss Bailey and I'm sure there are many more. Nate is a great young man that many people admire. Nathan is like a God in many minds, but he deserves to be thought of that way. Nathan is the record holder for touchdown receptions in a season for the Alden Bulldog football program. So do I have to say any more? I don't think so, but I will anyway. People in this school need to realize that Nathan Bailey is the man. Whenever Nate walks by you, you should give him a round of applause, that's how special he is. I think to be a boss means that you are the top guy who Nathan Bailey is; he is the best boss ever. Ok now for the real stuff people, everything that was just mentioned is what goes through Nathan Bailey's mind, NOT WHAT I THINK ABOUT HIM. Let's be honest people, every single nickname Nathan has, he made for himself. I mean like someone would really think this about Nathan Bailey? Wait, someone would, and that person would be Nathan Bailey. I honestly thought I knew what it meant to be boss, but when Nate is called Boss I don't know anymore because he is the complete opposite of my definition of boss. Nathan is just a young man so I won't harass him too much, but this whole boss thing needs some investigating.
Friday, October 15, 2010
10/11-10/15 Best Song or Band Ever!
The best band ever in my opinion is ACDC with Coldplay being a close second. ACDC is well known for their hard rock, loud music. ACDC no longer performs today I believe, but I do know for a fact that their music is still very popular. Your best chance at finding ACDC music would be at a sporting event in most cases. ACDC music really gets many athletes very pumped up for their game or completion. I know it gets me pumped anyway. My three favorite ACDC songs are probably Thunderstruck, Hells Bells, and You Shook Me All Night Long. I don't really know why these are my three favorite songs, just for some reason I really like these songs. I try to listen to these songs before all of my football games because they always get my adrenalin pumping. Thunderstruck is actually one of our warm up songs on my football team. I know that all the players on the team like that song and so do I. It is the first song we come out to and I don't think there is a better song to listen to before a game than Thunderstruck. Thunderstruck is a five minute song that has a very long introduction and then it gets into a lot of yelling and a loud atmosphere. I have never been fortunate enough to see an ACDC performance live which is a shame in my mind. If I could go back in time and do something, I would definitely consider going to ACDC concert. I think that ACDC is the best band ever.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
10/11-10/15 Best Class Ever!
The best class ever is definitely Online Publishing with Mr. Currin, end of discussion. If you take this class and you don't think it is the best class ever you have to be absolutely crazy. I mean, come on, everything is planned out for you, you know up front when everything is due and you have enough time to do it. If you don't get work done in this class it is because you are lazy and you don't care about school. I think that too often now a days, there are too many classes that we are in where we are learning information that it is so ridiculous, we don't need to know it. But, yet kids that are actually smart and hardworking are failing tests and classes because they don't know how to solve the equation a2+c3 *11-7b+2c=4f -6e. I mean holy cow, when will you every need that in life, but yet we have to figure that out and if we don't we get a poor grade because of it. Now I am not saying that once you learn your basic math, you should never take it again, but it doesn't have to be as complex as it is in my mind. That's why this class I think is the best class ever because it's kind of a taste of what a real job is like. You are developing your writing skills in this class and learning by working. You never get too much or too little amount of work and you will run into days where you are really busy and then there will be days where you are not extremely busy. I wish that all classes were like this one, but they are not and I have to live with it. Online Publishing is definitely the best class ever!
10/11-10/15Best Meal Ever!
The best meal ever in my mind is probably Thanksgiving dinner. For me it is the same foods every year and I really look forward to Thanksgiving because of it. This is what my Thanksgiving dinner consists of. The main dish is turkey and then there is cranberry sauce, cream cucumbers, corn, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. I think this is a great meal because there is so much food and a ton of different varieties. After I eat those foods and everything gets cleaned up, I move onto dessert which may be the best part about the dinner. Every year we have pie, but even better ice cream with hot fudge. That always makes this dinner complete because it is so good. I also like every single food that is served at our Thanksgiving dinner so it works our pretty good for me. This dinner is also served only once a year which is different from an ordinary meal. Thanksgiving Day also has some special qualities because whenever I think of Thanksgiving, I think of football. Every Thanksgiving there is always two NFL games on during the day and then one at night, there are also many college games that are on at night too. Also, you get a chance to spend time with family for a meal as well. So in my mind, it doesn’t get any better than having those three things all at the same time. Eating a great dinner, watching football, and spending time with family are guaranteed to make a fantastic meal. Those are the reasons why I think that Thanksgiving dinner is the best meal ever.
Friday, October 8, 2010
10/4-10/8 #1
Another movie that is one of my favorites is the Replacements. This movie deals with a professional football team that was in the middle or the season, but they felt that they were not making enough money so they went into a lock out. None of the players on the team would be playing in the upcoming games, but they could rejoin the team at any point. So this meant that there would be replacement players until the lockout ended. The replacement players involved many former college players, one of which was an Ohio State quarterback Shane Falco. Falco joined the team during the lockout and his job was to win 3 of the 4 final games. In his first game his team lost. That meant in order to make the playoffs they had to win their final 3 games. During this period the professional players would start fights and problems with the replacements to make it interesting. The replacements ended up going into the final game with the opportunity to make the playoffs. There was a slight problem though because the professional quarterback ended his lockout to join the team so Falco was done. The game was off to a terrible start though and the pro quarterback played really bad so at halftime, Shane Falco came in to locker room and suited up to finish the game. He ended up leading the team to a win and a trip to the playoffs. This movie is also a favorite because it is a comedy too. This a great movie for laughs and football.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Another one of my favorite movies of all time is Remember the Titans which is also another football movie. I like this movie because it deals with people who are completely opposite and they have to come together and accomplish winning football games. This movie takes place during the 70’s and segregation and racism are still an issue. The setting of this story is in a school in Virginia where there was an all-white football team. Due to law changes in our country at the time, Blacks were now allowed to go to this school. When they arrived they also brought a black coach with them who became the head coach of the team. At first only black players were on the football team and then the white kids decided to join and they brought their former coaching staff with them. So the team was very divided at first and then they started to come together. By the first game the team was very close and they kept winning. Then the playoffs started and they were still winning and ended up winning their semifinal game to make it to the Championship. After that game though, the star player got in a car accident and people were very down and they knew he would be missed for the Championship. The Titans ended up winning the championship without their stud and they made it a great story. I love this movie and it’s definitely a top football movie of all time.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10/4-10/8 #3
One of my favorite movies of all time is Rudy. I like this movie because the theme deals with what I am all about. This movie deals a lot with hard work and football which are two things that I love. Rudy is about a young man who lived in Indiana and played high school football. He was an undersized kid, but he was still a starter on his high school team. He was not very athletic either, but he worked so hard that he created more opportunities for himself to succeed. This young man’s name was Dan Rudiker and his nickname was Rudy. He was not a great student, he usually averaged low 80’s for his grades and there was no way he would be accepted to Notre Dame which was where he wanted to go. Rudy had one friend that always told him he could make it in to Notre Dame just because he would work so hard to get there. Well one day Rudy’s friend died due to a fire at work so that inspired Rudy to finally go to Notre Dame. When he got there they sent him to Holy Cross which was a prep school for kids to go to get their grades up. If Rudy got his grades up to a certain point Notre Dame would accept him and then he would try to walk on the to the football team and accomplish his dream. It took Rudy a year and he still wasn’t accepted and then he had his last chance to get in to Notre Dame. It was his sophomore year and he had found out he got accepted. When he got accepted, he wasted no time and he went to the try outs and because of how hard he worked he made the team. Then, on the final home game of his senior year, Rudy got the opportunity to suit up and be on the sidelines for a game. Notre Dame was beating Georgia Tech pretty good though so all of the players on the team wanted Rudy to go in. One player started chanting “Rudy” and then the whole stadium started chanting his name. He finally got put in the game for a kickoff and one play on defense. He rose to the occasion as he earned a sack and he was the last player to this day to get carried off the field at Notre Dame. I think that this is a great movie and I just love how someone that worked so hard benefited from it.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
9/27-10/1 Blog#3
I am a person that loves all of the seasons, but if I had to pick a favorite I guess it would be the fall. To me what separates the fall from the other seasons to me is that I am playing football in the fall. Football is my favorite sport and I look forward to it all year. There isn’t a better feeling than walking out of a locker room all suited up to play a game and then you just see the field you are about to play on all lit up. It always gets me pumped and that’s why I love this sport. Whenever I think of that feeling, I think of the fall. Sure it does get cold in the fall, but I live in Buffalo, we signed up for that. There is never a better sight than seeing the leaves on the ground in all sorts of different colors. The fall is always interesting too because of school starting and everybody has to get back to their working ways. Halloween is also a highlight of the fall where many people have a great time. It’s always a fun time of the year when you’re carving pumpkins and drinking apple cider. Well at least for some people, none by the name of Brian Stoldt. I do have to be honest I do enjoy the fall, but if there was not football, it would be the worst season. I do enjoy fall though and it has many great aspects.
9/27-10/1 Blog # 2
One place that I have visited lately was the city of Syracuse. I went there about two weeks ago to watch my first ever Syracuse Orange football game and they are one of my favorite football schools. Every year since I was 10 years old I have went to a football camp held by the Syracuse coaching staff. I have always had a great deal of respect for Syracuse and one day it would be a dream if I could go to school there. When I went to Syracuse two weeks ago though, I had a great time as expected. My brother, Nick Foss, Alex Blood, Nick Muscarella, and Coach Currin were already up at Syracuse well before the game for a tour of the campus. My parents and I went to the game later in the day because I had a game in the morning. When we arrived at the Carrier Dome I got to sit with my brother and his friends. It was a very electric atmosphere that was loud and there were many fans that were into the game. At first though, there was a little bit of a scare as Syracuse was to Maine at one point, but they battled their way back and ended up winning the game. The game was a blast and I loved the atmosphere in Syracuse. Everything about the Carrier Dome was awesome. One reason I really appreciate Syracuse is because of the amount of history that is involved with that program. In the 1950’s Syracuse produced one of the best running backs ever in Jim Brown. Many people said at the time there will never be a running back better than Jim Brown. Brown was number 44. Well little did people know there was a great high school running back in Elmira, New York. His name was Ernie Davis. Davis was a top recruit who was considering not going to Syracuse, but Jim Brown ended up meeting Ernie Davis and talking him into going to Syracuse. Now people realized there was somebody better than Jim Brown and it was Ernie Davis. Davis led the Orange to the only National Championship in 1952. Davis was also the first Native American to win the Heisman Trophy. Shortly after that, Davis was getting ready for the NFL, but a tragedy occurred. Davis was diagnosed with Leukemia and died within 9 months. Davis also was 44. Before he died he meant the next top football recruit in Floyd Little. Little was considering Notre Dame heavily until he talked to Davis. Little ended up going to Syracuse and had a great career. Little also was 44.The irony of this is that all of these running backs wore number 44. That’s why number 44 is retired at Syracuse. I think it would be amazing if I could one day go to the same college these men went to. Knowing that information made my trip to the Carrier Dome much more interesting. I had a blast at Syracuse and I can’t wait until the next time I go there.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
9/27-10/1 Interview
The varsity football quarterback of the Alden Bulldogs is about to play possibly his final game at Alden this Friday. It is Senior Night and he is ready. I was fortunate enough to interview him on what is left in this season and to hear about some of his favorite memories. I asked Tyler what he expects from his team for the rest of the season and he told me “I hope we keep putting on a strong performance and keep getting better.” So far the Bulldogs are 4-0 this season and they have plans to hopefully win the division. He believes that the strength of his team this year is the amount of weapons they have. I believe he is absolutely right with that as the offense keeps on putting up good numbers. His three most famous memories of his high school football career have been the opportunity he got to play at Ralph Wilson Stadium. His other two consisted of beating the Depew Wildcats twice. The first time he beat Depew it was the first game of his sophomore year where the Bulldogs upset Depew 14-6. His junior year was another upset against Depew just this time it was a playoff game. Tyler stated that his best relationship with a teammate in his 3 years of varsity football was probably with running back Cole Huston. “We just had a great deal of respect for each other.” I asked Ty if he could replay one game in his high school football career. He told me that it had to be a tie between when he played Fredonia in the Class B semifinals in 2008 and when he played Cheektowaga at Ralph Wilson Stadium last year. He also told me how he will miss everything about Alden football and he these last 4 years have been the most fun of his life because of Alden football. I think that Tyler has had a very successful playing career as a Bulldog and I think that there are many people who are proud of him.
Friday, September 24, 2010
One thing that I learned about recently, might be the biggest key to my success in life. I'm writing about actually many things that I learned, but I what matters is that I learned it all from the same man. Last March I was fortunate enough to go to a Quarterback Academy to improve my football skills and become a better football player. First of all, I have to thank my parents because they were willing to pay for me to go to this camp. On my first day of this academy I was so lucky that I got the opportunity to me Coach Kubiak. Right when i meant coach I knew he was a great man and that he was going to really improve my football, leadership, and life goals. As an all-around football player, I think that Coach Kubiak made me ten times better and so far this season it has paid off and I expect that to continue. First we would spend a little more than an hour every session improving our technique on the field and he helped me develop sound fundamentals. That was probably the least important part about the academy. After our field work we went into the film room where coach would teach us about how to be a leader, how to stay focused, how to become the best. That was the most important things I learned from his camp. During film he would also teach us how to beat certain coverages and blitzes on the football field. If I could make one statement about all the things that I learned from Coach Kubiak it would be just this. Football is more than just a game, if you are a true football player, it will make you an all-around better person in life. A true football player has leadership that should be off this world, and a work ethic that makes peoples jaws drop. If you have those qualities, you are a true football player and these qualities will lead you to the most successful life possible and you will be able to accomplish anything in life. Working with Coach Kubiak for four months this year made me such a better person in life.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
9/20-9/24 Present
Right now I couldn't ask for a better life. First of all, I'm on a great football team with a great bunch of guys that works their tails off. Football is my favorite sport and it is what I am most passionate about so I am very happy we are doing well in football. Secondly, I couldn't ask for a better family. My parents have been nothing, but the best to me in my life. Whenever I need something my parents are always there for me. They have taught me well in life and how to get through the worst situations a kid may face and I appreciate that so much. Of course I got a brother that may be the biggest asset to my success in life. Whenever I need help he is always there. What I might like the most about Tyler is that he isn't afraid to tell me the truth when I am doing something wrong. In my words I like to call him a straight shooter, he always gets to the point. He is a very hard worker and that is why he is living an amazing life. I go school every day and I love what I do my friends make me laugh every day and I have teachers that are always doing what's best for the kids and they do a great job with that. I am very fortunate that I have a home with people that care about me because these days many people don't have that. I always have the opportunity to get better at whatever I want to because I have people around me that care about me and do the extra things that go a long way and set me up to succeed. I could never ask for a better life than the one I am living right now.
9-20/-9/24- Future
For my future, I am planning to go to a great academic and athletic college for my best chance of success in life. My goal in life is to one day be a Division 1 single A college football coach. I will do this by first playing 4 years of college football at a place where there is a good coach with lots of connections. I feel the key to life is making connections because that just opens up the door to more opportunities in life. After I play my four years of college football I plan to start my coaching career by building my way up to my dream. First I will try to get a on a staff as a coaches assistant and work as hard as I possibly can so I make a good name for myself and show the veteran coaches that I do whatever it takes to win. Hopefully that would make them feel confident enough to make me a position coach or even a coordinator. When I get to that point my players have to start producing great results for me to get noticed so I can get a head coaching job. My first head coaching job will probably be a little college, but if i do well that's when i can hopefully get hired for the big job and live my dream. There are both pros and cons to what my job would consist of, but I think that the pros out way the cons by far. The toughest part about my job would be the amount of time I have to put in, but I'm more than willing to work that hard.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
There a young man was just lying in his bed on the cruise he was on. He was missing one of the scariest moments of his life. The cruise was just sitting in the middle of the ocean not moving due to engine failure. A man by the name of Nathan Bailey allegedly accidently broke the engine. Why this man was in the room with the engine is beyond any of us. It makes no sense. Here in the ocean the young man woke up from his sleep and looked out the window and his jaw dropped. There were times where the waves were above his room and the only thing separating him from the ocean was two windows. His parents were nowhere to be found and he was alone in his dark bedroom. He started to get more and more scared and then he had a real reason to be scared when the windows bursted open and the room was flooding so he ran into the hallway to see just more water and he was determined to face death very shortly due to that Nathan Bailey. Sure enough he was under water with not much oxygen left. "Hey Tyler wake up buddy, wake up." Ops, my bad it was just a dream little Tyler was facing. Tyler has a syndrome where he tends to have nightmares in his sleep every night. This was a mistake on my part.
It was just one of those days that I knew something was odd. I woke up and couldn't find my tooth brush. I went to work in quite odd form. I had a terrible day, I couldn't accomplish anything all day. It got the point where I was sweating bullets and I couldn't wait to get home. When I got home I made myself a hot pocket and sat on the couch. Then all of a suddenly I was flying high in the air. My living room was in the sky with me and I was in a little danger. I had no idea where I was within seconds and I was concerned. It was to the point where objects were flying right by me and I could easily get hit by something and be knocked out and bam!........What just happened, wait where I am I? Holy Cow, I am at Arrow Head stadium in the nose bleaders. I have no idea how I got here because I was knocked out. Now I guess it's time to find a way home. This was the most awkward day of my life.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I was on the the boat trying to help the man that was on the chair. He was apparently thrown off his cruise ship and he was in great danger in the dark, blue see where he was facing danger. The waves are so big and there are many sharks in this area. My boat was struggling with the waves, but we were getting closer to saving the man. Then suddenly, he fell off his chair and went under water. At most, we had about two minutes to save the man. I had to go under water to look for him. When I went under i saw big huge sharks and the current made it hard for me to get closer to the man. Out of no where a shark came and tried to eat me, but I got out of the way. After that I looked for the man again, but he was no where to be found. I swam down all the way to the bottom of the sea and the man was no where. I finally decided to head back to the surface, but shock all of suddenly came to my mind when i was stuck and couldn't go anywhere. I was running out of time with my oxygen tank running out of oxygen. Someone had to come and save me quick, would they?
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