Thursday, October 13, 2011

It Needs to Stop

After reading this story, or watching the videos of this topic, my opinion is on bullying is very strong, even though it was before I watched these videos. Bullying is an absolute terrible thing that should be eliminated, although it will be very tough to eliminate it. People need to realize that everything you may say about someone can hurt a person. Everybody in this world is different and everybody has different feelings. You never should be picking on people or saying nasty words about people to or behind their back. If you think about it, it is horrible that people go as far as taking their own life of because of bullying. This occurs everywhere and it is very unfortunate. Lady Gaga was stated saying how bullying should become a crime because it is a hate crime. I couldn’t agree with her anymore.  The only way bullying could come to an end would be by making it an illegal act. Honestly no one should care about the personal traits of people. Think about how hard it is on the families who have lost people due a suicide. Also, think about the families that have to worry about their relatives because they get bullied every day and this could become an issue.  This is a terrible issue that needs to be resolved. It is very disturbing watching and hearing what some people do and say about others. It is sick to think about that fact that people kill themselves over words. I really hope there are strides very soon to prevent bullying and hopefully one day brings it to a complete end. Also bullying can affect anyone because it could start tragedies like Columbine. That is an example where two boys were bullied and they took it out on everyone because of how much it hurt them. Bullying isn’t a huge word, but it has a huge meaning and it needs to come to an end because it is causing too many unnecessary tragedies.

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