Friday, October 15, 2010

10/11-10/15 Best Song or Band Ever!

The best band ever in my opinion is ACDC with Coldplay being a close second. ACDC is well known for their hard rock, loud music. ACDC no longer performs today I believe, but I do know for a fact that their music is still very popular. Your best chance at finding ACDC music would be at a sporting event in most cases. ACDC music really gets many athletes very pumped up for their game or completion. I know it gets me pumped anyway. My three favorite ACDC songs are probably Thunderstruck, Hells Bells, and You Shook Me All Night Long. I don't really know why these are my three favorite songs, just for some reason I really like these songs. I try to listen to these songs before all of my football games because they always get my adrenalin pumping. Thunderstruck is actually one of our warm up songs on my football team. I know that all the players on the team like that song and so do I. It is the first song we come out to and I don't think there is a better song to listen to before a game than Thunderstruck. Thunderstruck is a five minute song that has a very long introduction and then it gets into a lot of yelling and a loud atmosphere. I have never been fortunate enough to see an ACDC performance live which is a shame in my mind. If I could go back in time and do something, I would definitely consider going to ACDC concert. I think that ACDC is the best band ever.

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