Thursday, October 14, 2010

10/11-10/15Best Meal Ever!

The best meal ever in my mind is probably Thanksgiving dinner. For me it is the same foods every year and I really look forward to Thanksgiving because of it. This is what my Thanksgiving dinner consists of. The main dish is turkey and then there is cranberry sauce, cream cucumbers, corn, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. I think this is a great meal because there is so much food and a ton of different varieties. After I eat those foods and everything gets cleaned up, I move onto dessert which may be the best part about the dinner. Every year we have pie, but even better ice cream with hot fudge. That always makes this dinner complete because it is so good. I also like every single food that is served at our Thanksgiving dinner so it works our pretty good for me. This dinner is also served only once a year which is different from an ordinary meal. Thanksgiving Day also has some special qualities because whenever I think of Thanksgiving, I think of football. Every Thanksgiving there is always two NFL games on during the day and then one at night, there are also many college games that are on at night too. Also, you get a chance to spend time with family for a meal as well. So in my mind, it doesn’t get any better than having those three things all at the same time. Eating a great dinner, watching football, and spending time with family are guaranteed to make a fantastic meal. Those are the reasons why I think that Thanksgiving dinner is the best meal ever.

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