Friday, November 12, 2010

11/8-11/12 #1

In my useless opinion, I think that Thanksgiving is the best holiday without question. I mean the two things I like the most in life are put together in one day. First, I absolutely love football to death and on Thanksgiving there is tons of football. On every Thanksgiving there are three NFL football games. First the Detroit Lions play in the middle of the day, but they are not good ever so they usually lose and no one cares about that game. After the Detroit game, the Dallas Cowboys play a game, but I hate the Dallas Cowboys and this is awesome because this year they are terrible and they will lose too. So this Thanksgiving might be my best Thanksgiving. Then there is another NFL game later in the night, but the teams that play in that game change every year. Also on Thanksgiving, I get to eat the best meal of the year. I love this dinner and I look forward to it all year. My family and I always go down to my Grandparent's home where I get to eat this amazing dinner. There is turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, stuffing, cran berry sauce, cream cucumbers, corn, broccoli casserole, bean casserole, and lots of dessert. I can't wait for this meal this year; it will be amazing at the least. After Thanksgiving, I usually play a pick up football game that Friday and we call it the Turkey Bowl, but hopefully this year I'm playing in the Carrier Dome on Sunday for a State Championship instead of playing a pick up football game.

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