Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My dream job is either to be an NFL coach one day or an NFL quarterback. These are dream jobs for me because I absolutely love football to death and it would be incredible if my job dealt with football. Obviously to get one of these jobs, it will be a lot of hard work which i would be willing to do. To be an NFL quarterback, you have to be smart, precise, composed, athletic, and you must have leadership that is out of this world. You also must have a work ethic that is very strong. An NFL quarterback in most cases is the highest paid player on a football team, but that's not the reason i want this to be my job. I just think that it would be amazing to play football for a living. Then to be a coach, it is very similar to being a quarterback. You have to be smart, composed, strong leadership skills, and it would be a good idea to play football at some point in your life. Also a coach must be willing to work long days even in the off season because you have to be able to study film, and strategize for opponents. A coach has to be willing to work with other people as well and be able to deal with stress. Being a coach in the NFL consists of lots of pressure and stress so if you can't handle criticism, neither of these jobs are good then. I think the pros of this job out way the cons by far though and that's why these are dream jobs for me.

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