Friday, December 17, 2010

12/13-12/17 #3

I read the poem, Anything is Possible by Melissa Underwood and it makes me think of many things in life. This poem is talking about how anything in life is possible no matter how hard it may seem to achieve the goal. In life you can't always listen to what other people have to say because if you have a goal in life there are always going to be people who say you can't do it or you will fail no matter how hard you try. When you are trying to accomplish something, you just always have to look for the most amounts of help and try to achieve your goal. That is one message that is trying to be stated in this poem. This poem is also saying how when you are trying to achieve something you can never ever give up because if you are extremely determined you just have to work as hard as you possibly can and you will accomplish your goal. Even if you fail, you just have to keep trying and you will succeed. This kind of reminds me Rudy when Rudy keeps getting turned down by Notre Dame to be a student, but he keeps trying and then he finally gets in to Notre Dame and achieves his goal of being a Notre Dame football player. The final message that I get out of this poem is that you will never be a failure until you quit. So in life you can never quit no matter how much you want to because whenever you quit something it starts to become a habit which is not a good thing. This poem really makes me think about my football team and how hard we work and any goal we had we would work for. We always wanted to be the best and we worked so hard to be best. I think this is a very inspirational poem and many people should read it.

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